The last decades, Food Supplements have become a part of many peoples’ everyday lives, as they play a key role in their diets.

Through a balanced nutrition, it is possible to receive the majority of essential components, such as minerals and vitamins, in order to maintain a good health. However, there are several ingredients which are difficult to intake or absorb exclusively through our diets. In addition, fast pace of life, increased levels of stress and malnourishment, are only some of the factors that may lead to deficiencies and to degradation of the immune system.

Food Supplements are here to fill in this gap!

However, the market has become saturated by numerous Food Supplements which most of the times are not supported by scientific claims or claims approved by EFSA.

Service model

BOGARD’s Food Supplements Portfolio combines a great variety of specialty ingredients tο meet all possible Food Supplements’ formulation requirements, with high technical expertise and consultancy. Additionally to our Standard Portfolio, we provide the possibility to co-create along with our customers, tailor-made solutions suitable for their needs. Once the Food Supplement product is launched in the market, we will follow it throughout its entire lifetime cycle.

A step further, we can combine our Food Supplement ingredients with complementing Flavorings and Sweeteners solutions in order to ensure a more pleasant product taste experience. Part of our customer-centric service is to share insights into Food Supplements latest trends and industry innovations.


We are committed in providing specialty ingredients for Food Supplements that truly differentiate in the market!

BOGARD’s Food Supplements ingredients portfolio offers Excipients and Actives that enable the development of innovative products with outstanding properties and support claims based on scientific results and clinical studies. Let’s take a look through our Food Supplements solutions…


Coating agents

Our portfolio provides ready-to-use coatings, functional or non functional, colored/clear/white ones, to meet all possible needs. Our coatings are very easy to handle, have optimized dispersion and coating time and give a perfectly uniform and reproducible result.

a. Functional coatings
  • For protection of APIs against moisture, oxidation, low hardness or friability
  • Core sealing coatings
  • Gastro-resistant coatings/ Enteric release coatings
b. Non functional coatings
  • Colored coatings & Natural colored coatings
  • Sugar coatings
  • Coatings for glossy tablet finish
c. Personalized coatings

We offer even personalized coatings. In case you deal with a very specific issue you may contact us for more details.

Excipients for Sustained Release

If you deal with a High Dosage Active or an active that has to be Sustained Release, you may find innovative solutions in our portfolio.

Binders/ Disintegrants

A variety of binders for wet granulation. In case wet granulation is not desired, our portfolio includes products which are binders and disintegrants at the same time, and are ready-to-use for direct compression.


Easy-to-use, in powder form ready for direct compression. Our advanced technology products give the opportunity to effectively solubilize poorly soluble actives, avoiding the step of wet granulation.


Thickeners of premium quality, giving the possibility to develop end products with a great variety of possible viscosities.


High purity and quality natural intense sweeteners, according to various expectations.


In liquid or pearls form,  our emulsifiers are of premium quality and are tools to formulate O/W or W/O systems.

Taste Masking

Taste Masking plays more and more an imperative role in successful Food Supplements’ formulation, since taste experience has a very strong, if not the strongest, impact on their acceptance.  BOGARD offers solutions for taste masking, responding to customized needs for masking specific ingredients in the formulation.


You may contact with us for more details about the services we may provide you with, about micro-encapsulation of ingredients of your interest.

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A great variety of Actives for use in Food Supplements are available in our portfolio, targeting consumers needs, in line with today’s hectic lifestyles. Most of our Actives have proven efficacy, through in vitro, in vivo and clinical tests. All are compliant with the EU and US legislations. Besides of being suitable for a large variety of end uses, BOGARD’s Actives can add unique properties to products and, thus, competitive advantage.

Check out some of their possible end uses:

  • Skin health, skin beauty and skin radiance
  • Anti-aging
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Nails health
  • Hair health
  • Sports: Muscle protection & recovery, recovery of mineral salts
  • Weight management
  • Joints health
  • Bone health
  • Immune system
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Blood pressure and blood circulation improvement
  • Diabetes management
  • Against cold symptoms
  • Urinary system
  • Eye heath and vision protection
  • Mood disorders and stress relief
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sexual life improvement
  • Digestion comfort
  • Gut health, bowel heath, IBS syndrome management
  • Mastitis
  • Oral health

Let’s discuss your needs and challenges, and identify the right solution(s) for you!